For Business

Simplify your

training delivery


Manage training courses in one simple place


Reach thousands of professionals through our exclusive marketplace


Create digitally verified certificates that are unique to your business


Issues certificates to your customers at the click of the button

Reach thousands of professionals

MyProPass for providers gives you better control of your course programme and gives you long term relationships with thousands of professionals. 

You can publish and manage events and issue digitally verified certificates instantly. Because MyProPass covers many different types of professionals, you can consolidate and simplify the management of courses and can reach out to thousands of customers in one place


For the automatic generation and issuing of digital certificates.
Prices exclude VAT



Per month 

<150 certificates per year
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Per month 

<350 certificates per year

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Per month 

<550 Certificates per year

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Price subject to requirements

>500 certificates per year

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Need Help? 

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How long will my subscription last?

    The subscription is on ‘rolling’ year basis – for example, if you join on 2 February you will have access until the following 1 February

  • What happens once I have subscribed or renewed?

    On paying for your subscription, you will be able to:

    Book seminars as part of your subscription

    View your collected certificates

    Upload certificates

  • Can I share my upcoming courses through social media?

    Yes, you can share your upcoming courses through our interfaces with Twitter, linkedIn and Facebook

  • Can I invite attendees to my upcoming courses?

    You can send an email invitation to attendees directly from within the platform 

  • Can I customise the e-certificate?

    All certificates are customised with your specific logos and accreditations. You get to chose from a number of certificate templates.  As part of the Enterprise subscription, you can upload your own custom certificate template

  • How can I confirm trainees attendance and issue e-certificates?

    You can confirm attendance in the following ways:

    1. Print a hard copy of your attendance register or sign-in sheet for your training through MPP

    2. During/after the training, confirm attendance online and issue e-certificate automatically

    3. confirm attendance during the event directly online and instantly issue e-certificates

    4. Share an event code during or after the training with attendees

    5. Instruct attendees to enter event code into their MPP home page and instantly self-issue the training certificate

  • How can I upload a new training course / event?

    Yes you can use the upload training course to upload a new training course

  • Using Microsoft Internet Explorer?

    Internet Explorer is being phased out by Microsoft. We recommend that you use Google Chrome for the best experience.

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